The solar panels that get mounted on your roof are called photovoltaic panels (PV systems). Photovoltaic (PV) panels convert absorbed sunlight energy to electricity. They do not make noise, they do not produce emissions, and can be mounted on your roof directly, or on frames. There are other ways to mount solar panels (ground mounts, car ports, separate standing arrays that can be placed on the roof, ground, and other places as well.
After your solar system is installed, you will want to schedule a day with your local energy company to come out and install a new meter/we have never known there to be a charge to the consumer for this, but times are changing. This allows you to also charge energy back to the grid, whereby if you charge more energy than you use, you will be eligible for the electric company to write you a check/payment to you, for them receiving your sent energy.
PV systems that uses solar panels frequently contain semi-conductor material (most always silicon), which absorbs sunlight, then generates an electrical current. In ideal situations, panels should face south. Panels that face east and west are fine, so long as there is a slight tilt to the south, when being mounted on your roof.
Batteries, aka solar walls, are walls that store your electricity so you have a reserve if the power goes out. This is a separate purchase and is not yet a smart “cost effective” product, it is a luxury product. It is estimated that in 5-10 years the battery purchase will be of great value. The purpose of the wall batteries is that gives you power for when the power goes out. If in your area power goes out frequently, and for days on end, then a battery wall is a product that will make your life more easy, and more comfortable. An extra benefit of this battery backup supply, is for when the sun isn’t shining enough or strong enough, to produce the energy that you need for the moment, your system can pull energy from the battery, and not use electrical energy from the grid. These batteries may also allow you to sell a lot more electricity back to your power retailer. This extra benefit is not available with all batteries and all locations.
PV Watts is a government website which all solar sales people should use. It has a conservative stated # of hours of sunlight, that shine on average each day, based on where you live. Many unscrupulous solar sales people under sell the system/because the bottom line price will appear cheaper. We use PV watts with our solar proposal software, it is built right in. Most locations we fit a 14% off set, to be conservative, and we factor 0.5% yearly degradation of panels to ensure that a purchaser is receiving conservative estimates, and that your system is structured as to produce more than what is promised.
Most utility companies continually increase their rates/cost to buyers, at a rate of increase of 4.5% each year. It is expected that future increases will be at a higher rate. We factor in these future increases at no more than a 4.5% yearly increase when generating your proposals, and showing you your savings for each future month and year on your solar proposal. Our panels are of the highest grades and have no less than a 25 year manufacture warranty. There is virtually no maintenance with your PV solar system, and no moving parts.
There are a lot of things that go into your PV solar system. These things include a site assessment, engineering, permitting, a top notch electrician, and more. The environment benefits, your property value that increases benefits, and your pocket book of future savings benefits (plus any applicable tax credits or tax deductions). The utility company does not benefit. Get your solar proposal now.